How do we best set up students to be successful at jobs that don’t yet exist? This is a question that stemmed from watching the movie Most Likely to Succeed in our EDCI 336 class. While we all know that jobs are not the priority when thinking about our students, it was still a question that caused me to stop and wonder. During the film an interviewee mentioned that the most important things we can teach kids now are “soft skills”; things like communication, problem solving, interpersonal skills, and creativity. If you are able to model and encourage these skills with your students, does that mean they will have the greatest chance at adapting to future jobs and envrionments that we have yet to create? 

These questions are ones that I am hoping to explore further as I begin my education to become a teacher. I know that there are no concrete answers as society is evolving further and further towards a technology centred one. One thing I do know is that the importance of human connection remains, a central aspect of teaching that I can focus on while exploring all that this career has to offer.