First things first, learned a new hack today! If you want to make a new Google Doc, you simply have to type in:

Pretty neat!

Today in class we learned about technology introduction. We were introduced to two models for doing so:

  1. SAMR
  2. TPACK

The one that really resonated with me is SAMR. SAMR stands for Substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.

Thank you to for the image!

Substitution- rather than pen and paper, have learners write on a Chromebook. Use tech in place of tools you are already using

Augmentation- adding in something that can only be done with technology, improve on the activity 

Spell check, auto format 

Modification- tech creates a significant change in the task. 

Adding in videos, links in a paper. Linking to an interactive site that you have written on. 

Redefinition– by using tech, create a space for an entirely different or new task. Something that could never have been done before