Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash



Video conferencing, robot in classroom. Way for all to access the learning.

Typically, if you’re there you benefit, if you aren’t then too bad. This is a way to give people the access they need and remove the barriers (physical or not) keeping them from attending a class. 

Should not mean that you are not communicating with the learners, still need that “face to face” interaction time. 

Information stays with you for the rest of you life, generally tends to be more accessible over time. 

Allows students to learn from instructors they would never be able to access in person- massive online course. *Anyone can enroll with no costs*

Traditionally classes have been face to face OR online. Now we are trying to have more of a blended class. Give students more information online so that you can get more productivity out of the face to face time. 

Multi-access, where students can access the class in person or online. When a classmate used the robot to attend class from Vancouver, they were given a way to access the class that was not in person. 

Takeaway: Be flexible in how our students attend classes, support them with their needs so that they can get the most access and learning from their classes. If a student will learn better from home, from a different environment than the classroom, why force them into the square classroom where their learning is not at its greatest potential. Why have a student ferry and drive multiple hours of the week to sit in a desk when they have a desk at home?